Because every girl matters.
Life has not always been easy for me, but I found a hope that changed
my life, and I am on a mission to help young girls find that same hope.
Many of my students come from low-income backgrounds, single parent households, and failed expectations of what life would be like during the coming-of-age process in their lives. As a teacher, many of those students have confided in me their daily struggles and I realized more than ever the urgency for mentorship within my school and community. Specifically, there is a need to provide young women with the resources and tools to be more than their circumstances, insecurities, and what society tells them to be. These girls deserve a space that SEES them for all they are and all they can be. After working at BHS for three years, I decided to start BLOOM. I know this will help the girls truly bloom into community leaders and will have a positive impact on behavior, social, and academic skills.